WindowsSection 5: Setting Up - Windows AXIS 1620 User’s Manual623. Choose an appropriate printer driver for your printer from theManufacturers and Printer Models list displayed and then proceeddirectly to step 6. Please note that it is only necessary to performsteps 4 - 5 if your printer does not appear in the model list.Note: ❏ Even if the desired printer is available in the Manufacturer andPrinter Models list, you are advised to use the printer driverprovided with your printer. This assures you of the latest driversoftware.4. Select Other... in the driver list. Insert the printer driverdiskette/CD that was provided with your printer, select theappropriate diskette/CD drive and click OK.5. Select the printer driver you want to install.6. Select Other... in the “Print to” list box.7. Select Axis Port from the list of available Print Monitors and clickOK.8. Select the AXIS Port you wish to add and then click OK. Theport appears as .LP1, where is AX followed bythe last six digits of the AXIS 1620 serial number, e.g. AX100086.9. Click on Settings. Choose whether error condition pop-upmessages are to be displayed by checking the box in the ConfigureAxis Ports dialog. Click OK.10. Click OK.