117Using NavigationNotes on route guidanceAfter entering the destination (address), the systemcalculates the route and announces:”Ready to drive off”.You will receive the navigation recommendationsby voice messages and screen displays.Press the left rotary control to have the currentrecommendation repeated.For clarification, the following contains some ex-amples of possible driving recommendations:• ”Please perform a U-turn if possible”.You are driving in the wrong direction andshould turn around at the earliest opportunity.• ”Please turn right after 300 metres”.The arrow indicator 4 points to the next streetinto which you should turn.The progress bar on the right illustrates the dis-tance and the black part decreases as you ap-proach the intersection.• ”Please follow the road”.This display tells you that you should continueto follow the road you are on.• ”Prepare to turn left” or”Please merge into left lane”.This recommendation prepares you for the nextturn to be taken.”Please merge into left lane” does not meanhowever that you should immediately get intothe left turn lane!Note:At intersections and roundabouts, only the endsof the roads to be passed are displayed.• ”Please leave the roundabout at the third exit onthe right”.This display shows you which exit (markedwith the arrow) you must take at the roundabout.• ”Now drive straight ahead”.At this point, you must drive straight ahead.DangerAccident hazardIf a driving recommendation contradicts the ap-plicable Road Traffic Regulations (RTR), theRTR are always valid!G