144SMS messagesThere are two possibilities:• Enter the number with the multifunction buttonsto . To delete incorrect numbers,turn the right rotary control to the left. Toconfirm the number entered, briefly press theright rotary control .• Turn the right rotary control to the right. Thetelephone book is called up. You can select anumber or name from the telephone book as de-scribed under ”Dialling a telephone book entry”on page 131. Briefly press the right rotarycontrol to confirm the selected entry.Note:If the SMS central network number has not beenentered, you will be prompted to do so now (seealso page 145).The Text Entry menu is displayed.You can now enter text. There are two possibilitiesto do this:• Selecting letters or characters with the right ro-tary control and pressing to confirm. The se-lected letters are displayed inversely.• Select characters or letters by pushing the mul-tifunction button under the desired character re-peatedly; i.e. to select a C, the multifunctionbutton under ABC must be pressed 3 times.Other entry or formatting possibilities:• Upper/Lower-Case LettersWith multifunction button , you canchoose between upper and lower case letters.• Special characters/ NumbersBy pressing multifunction button , you canchoose between entry of special characters andnumbers.• Return (New Line)Press and hold multifunction button , toget to the next line.• Moving the cursorPress multifunction button . Repeatedlypress multifunction button to select one oftwo modes for moving the cursor. Each mode isindicated by a change in the display above themultifunction button.If is displayed above the multifunction but-ton, the cursor can be moved from line to line byturning the right rotary control .If is displayed above the multifunctionbutton, the cursor can be moved left or right inthe current line by turning the right rotarycontrol .Then, the right rotary control must be pressedrepeatedly until the multifunction button is dis-played as described at the beginning. Text canthen be entered once again.• Deleting charactersCharacters entered individually can be deletedby briefly pressing multifunction button .By pressing and holding multifunctionbutton , all generated text will be deleted.By pressing the right rotary control for more than2 seconds, the written message is confirmed.By turning the right rotary control , select be-tween Yes, No and Cancel (the inverted entry isactive) and press the control to confirm.Select Yes to send your message. Sending SMSindicates that the SMS is being sent. If the SMStransmission is successful, SMS sent is displayed.Select No to return to the previous menu withoutsending the message.Select Cancel to return to the Text Entry menuand the message can be edited further.