FDDI Statistics6-13FDDI ApplicationsKBytes/secThe number of kilobytes/second (averaged over the specified poll interval)transmitted by the indicated SMT.Peak KBytes/secThe peak number of kilobytes/second transmitted by the indicated SMT, asdetected over all polling intervals since monitoring began (i.e., since the FDDIStatistics window was first opened).%UtilThe percentage of utilization of available bandwidth by the indicated SMT overthe current poll interval; the percentage is calculated by dividing the actualnumber of transmitted bytes/sec into the maximum number of bytes/sec thatcould be transmitted (125,000,000 bytes/sec potential on a 100 Megabit/secondring).Setting the FDDI Statistics Poll RateTo set the FDDI Statistics poll rate:1. Click on the clock symbol ( ) next to the Poll Rate (sec) text box. The NewTimer Interval text box, Figure 6-7, will appear.Figure 6-7. New Timer Interval Text Box2. Using the mouse, click to highlight the hour field in the New Timer Interval textbox.3. Using the arrow keys to the right of the text box, scroll to change the hour, asdesired. Notice that the time is given in a 24-hour hh:mm:ss format.4. Using steps 2 and 3, continue to change the minutes and seconds fields, asdesired.5. Click on OK when you are finished entering new information. The new PollRate you have set is now entered.The FDDI Statistics window will refresh, and the new time interval will take effectimmediately.