The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis View2-74Managing the HubTo reset the Peak Rate and Time Since Peak values:1. Shift-click to select one or more interfaces for which you want to reset thevalues.2. Click on the Reset Peak Rate and Peak Time on Selected Ports: drop-downlist box, and drag to select YES.3. Click on the Apply button. The Peak Rate and Time Since Peak values will bereset for the selected interfaces.ThresholdThe maximum number of received broadcast frames that may be forwarded bythis interface to other interfaces on the device. Any number of broadcast framesreceived over this threshold will be dropped. The default value for the interface isnear the theoretical maximum frames per second for the interface, i.e., 14,880 for10Mb Ethernet interface, 148,880 for 100Mb Ethernet or 1,488,800 for GigabitEthernet.To change the Receive Broadcast Threshold:1. Shift-click to select one or more interfaces for which you want to change thebroadcast packet threshold.2. Highlight the value currently in the Receive Broadcast Threshold onSelected Ports: field and type in a new broadcast threshold value. Allowablevalues begin at 10 and proceed in multiples of ten.3. Click on the Apply button. The new threshold will be applied to the selectedinterfaces. Any broadcast frames received by the interface exceeding the setthreshold will be dropped.TIPIn order to calculate the time since peak, subtract the value in the Time Since Peak columnfrom the current sysUpTime displayed as Up Time in the front panel. Please note that thepeak time you calculate will be within 5 minutes of the actual time since peak, assysUpTime is polled by default at 3 minute intervals and the broadcast suppression valuesare polled by default at 2 minute intervals.NOTEWhen you enter a value less than 10, the threshold will default to a value of 0. If you entera value that is not a multiple of 10 it will round down to the last multiple of 10, i.e., if youenter 15 as the new threshold value, the threshold value will be set to 10; if you enter 49 asthe new threshold value, the threshold value will be set to 40.