Viewing Chassis Information2-3The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis ViewFront Panel InformationThe areas surrounding the device display area provide the following deviceinformation:IPThe Internet Protocol address assigned to the SmartSwitch 2000 appears in thetitle bar of the Chassis View window; this field will display the IP address youhave used to create the SmartSwitch 2000 icon. IP addresses are assigned viaLocal Management.Connection StatusThis color-coded area indicates the current state of communication betweenSPECTRUM Element Manager and the SmartSwitch 2000.• Green indicates the SmartSwitch 2000 is responding to device polls (validconnection).• Magenta indicates that the SmartSwitch 2000 is in a temporary stand-by modewhile it responds to a physical change in the hub; note that board and portmenus are inactive during this stand-by state.• Blue indicates an unknown contact status – polling has not yet beenestablished with the SmartSwitch 2000.• Red indicates the SmartSwitch 2000 is not responding to device polls (deviceis off line, or device polling has failed across the network for some otherreason).UpTimeThe amount of time, in a X days hh:mm:ss format, that the SmartSwitch 2000 hasbeen running since the last start-up.Port StatusIf management for your device supports a variable port display (detailed in PortStatus Displays, on page 2-11), this field will show the display currently in effect.If only a single port display is available — or if the default view is in effect — thisfield will state Default.MACThe physical layer address assigned to the interface through which SPECTRUMElement Manager is communicating. MAC addresses are hard-coded in thedevice, and are not configurable.Boot PromThe revision of BOOT PROM installed in the SmartSwitch 2000.FirmwareThe revision of device firmware stored in the SmartSwitch 2000’s FLASH PROMs.