Some entry gates and garage door openers mayrequire you to substitute Step 3 with the procedurenoted in “Gate Operator and CanadianProgramming” later in this section.4. The indicator light will flash slowly at first and thenrapidly after HomeLink® successfully receives thefrequency signal from the hand-held transmitter.Release both buttons.5. Press and hold the newly-trained HomeLink® buttonand observe the indicator light.If the indicator light stays on constantly,programming is complete and your device shouldactivate when the HomeLink® button is pressedand released.To program the remaining two HomeLink® buttons,begin with Step 2 under “Programming HomeLink® .”Do not repeat Step 1 as this will erase all of theprogrammed channels.If the indicator light blinks rapidly for two secondsand then turns to a constant light, continue withSteps 6 through 8 following to complete theprogramming of a rolling-code equipped device(most commonly, a garage door opener).6. Locate in the garage, the garage door openerreceiver (motor-head unit). Locate the “Learn”or “Smart” button. This can usually be found wherethe hanging antenna wire is attached to themotor-head unit.7. Firmly press and release the “Learn” or “Smart”button. The name and color of the button mayvary by manufacturer.You will have 30 seconds to start Step 8.8. Return to the vehicle. Firmly press and hold theprogrammed HomeLink® button for two seconds,then release. Repeat the press/hold/releasesequence a second time, and depending on thebrand of the garage door opener (or other rollingcode device), repeat this sequence a third timeto complete the programming.HomeLink® should now activate your rolling-codeequipped device.To program the remaining two HomeLink® buttons,begin with Step 2 of “Programming HomeLink® .”You do not want to repeat step 1, as this will eraseall previous programming.2-49