• Do not get too close to the vehicle you want topass while you are awaiting an opportunity. For onething, following too closely reduces your area ofvision, especially if you are following a largervehicle. Also, you will not have adequate space ifthe vehicle ahead suddenly slows or stops.Keep back a reasonable distance.• When it looks like a chance to pass is coming up,start to accelerate but stay in the right lane anddo not get too close. Time your move so you willbe increasing speed as the time comes to move intothe other lane. If the way is clear to pass, you willhave a running start that more than makes upfor the distance you would lose by dropping back.And if something happens to cause you tocancel your pass, you need only slow down anddrop back again and wait for another opportunity.• If other vehicles are lined up to pass a slow vehicle,wait your turn. But take care that someone is nottrying to pass you as you pull out to pass the slowvehicle. Remember to glance over your shoulderand check the blind spot.• Check your mirrors, glance over your shoulder,and start your left lane change signal before movingout of the right lane to pass. When you are farenough ahead of the passed vehicle to see itsfront in your inside mirror, activate your right lanechange signal and move back into the rightlane. Remember that your right outside mirror isconvex. The vehicle you just passed may seemto be farther away from you than it really is.• Try not to pass more than one vehicle at a time ontwo-lane roads. Reconsider before passing thenext vehicle.• Do not overtake a slowly moving vehicle too rapidly.Even though the brake lamps are not flashing, itmay be slowing down or starting to turn.• If you are being passed, make it easy for thefollowing driver to get ahead of you. Perhapsyou can ease a little to the right.4-16