Your vehicle has an airbag system. Before attempting toadd anything electrical to your vehicle, seeServicingYour Airbag-Equipped Vehicle on page 1-62.Windshield Wiper FusesThe windshield wiper motor is protected by an internalcircuit breaker. If the wiper motor overheats due toheavy snow, the wipers will stop until the motor coolsand will then restart.Power Windows and Other PowerOptionsCircuit breakers protect the power windows and powerseats. When the current load is too heavy, the circuitbreaker opens and closes, protecting the circuit until theproblem is fixed or goes away.Fuses and Circuit BreakersThe wiring circuits in your vehicle are protected fromshort circuits by a combination of fuses and circuitbreakers. This greatly reduces the chance of firescaused by electrical problems.Look at the silver-colored band inside the fuse. If theband is broken or melted, replace the fuse. Be sure youreplace a bad fuse with a new one of the identicalsize and rating. If a fuse blows, see your dealerfor service immediately.If you ever have a problem on the road and don’thave a spare fuse, you can “borrow” one that has thesame amperage. Pick some feature of your vehicle thatyou can get along without — like the radio or cigarettelighter — and use its fuse, if it is the correct amperage.Replace it as soon as you can.The fuses are located in three fuse blocks, one locatedin the engine compartment on the passenger’s sideand the other two under the rear seat.5-97