In many crashes severe enough to inflate the airbag,windshields are broken by vehicle deformation.Additional windshield breakage may also occur fromthe right front passenger airbag.• Airbags are designed to inflate only once. Afteran airbag inflates, you will need some new partsfor your airbag system. If you do not get them,the airbag system will not be there to help protectyou in another crash. A new system will includeairbag modules and possibly other parts. Theservice manual for your vehicle covers the needto replace other parts.• Your vehicle is equipped with a crash sensing anddiagnostic module which records information aftera crash. SeeVehicle Data Collection and EventData Recorders on page 7-10.• Let only qualified technicians work on your airbagsystem. Improper service can mean that anairbag system will not work properly. See yourdealer for service.Notice: If you damage the covering for the driver’sor the right front passenger’s airbag, or the airbagcovering on the driver’s and right front passenger’sseatback, or the side impact airbag covering onthe ceiling near the side windows, the bag maynot work properly. You may have to replacethe airbag module in the steering wheel, both theairbag module and the instrument panel for the rightfront passenger’s airbag, the airbag module andseatback for the driver’s and right front passenger’sseat-mounted side impact airbags, or side impactairbag module and ceiling covering for theroof-mounted side impact airbag. Do not open orbreak the airbag coverings.1-57