The rear window defogger and heated mirrors areautomatically disabled when the retractable hardtopis moving or down.Notice: Do not use anything sharp on the insideof the rear window. If you do, you could cut ordamage the warming grid, and the repairs wouldnot be covered by your warranty. Do not attacha temporary vehicle license, tape, a decal oranything similar to the defogger grid.Outlet AdjustmentUse the thumbwheel to open or close the outlets.Operation Tips• Clear away any ice, snow or leaves from the airinlets at the base of the windshield that mayblock the flow of air into your vehicle.• Use of non-GM approved hood deflectors mayadversely affect the performance of the system.• Keep the area around the base of the instrumentpanel console and air path under the seatsclear of objects to help circulate the air insideof your vehicle more effectively.Passenger Compartment Air FilterThe passenger compartment air filter removes certainparticles from the air, including pollen and dust particles.Reductions in airflow, which may occur more often industy areas, indicate that the filter may need to bereplaced early.The filter should be replaced as part of the routinescheduled maintenance. See Scheduled Maintenanceon page 7-4 for more information.To check or replace the air filter, do the following:1. With the hood open, unlatch and remove theaccess panel.The passenger compartment air filter and accesspanel are located on the passenger’s side ofthe engine compartment near the battery.See Engine Compartment Overview on page 6-12for more information on location.2. Pull the old filter out of the housing.3. Insert the new filter into the housing.4. Reinstall the air filter access panel.3-42