Emergency Road Service is performed on site for thefollowing situations:• Fuel Delivery: Delivery of enough fuel for thevehicle to get to the nearest service station(approximately $5 in Canada). In Canada,for safety reasons, propane and other alternativefuels will not be provided through this service.• Lock-out Service: Lock-out service will be coveredat no charge if you are unable to gain entry intoyour vehicle. A remote unlock may be availableif you have an active OnStar® subscription.To ensure security, the driver must present personalidentification before lock-out service is provided.In Canada, the vehicle registration is also required.• Emergency Tow From a Public Roadway orHighway: Tow to the nearest dealership for warrantyservice or in the event of a vehicle-disabling crash.Winch-out assistance is provided when the vehicle ismired in sand, mud, or snow.• Flat Tire Change: Installation of a spare tire in goodcondition, when equipped and properly inflated, iscovered at no charge. The customer is responsiblefor the repair or replacement of the tire if not coveredby a warrantable failure.• Jump Start: A battery jump start is covered at nocharge if the vehicle does not start.• Trip Routing Service: Upon request, CadillacRoadside Service will send you detailed, computerpersonalized maps, highlighting your choice of eitherthe most direct route or the most scenic route to yourdestination, anywhere in North America, along withhelpful travel information pertaining to your trip.Please allow three weeks before your planneddeparture date. In Canada, trip routing requestswill be limited to six per calendar year.• Trip Interruption Benefits and Assistance: If yourtrip is interrupted due to a warranty failure, incidentalexpenses may be reimbursed during the 60 months/100,000 miles (160 000 km) warranty period. Itemscovered are hotel, meals, and rental car.• Alternative Service (Canada only): There may betimes when Roadside Service cannot provide timelyassistance. Your advisor may authorize you tosecure local emergency road service, and you willbe reimbursed up to $100 upon submission of theoriginal receipt to Cadillac Roadside Service®.Cadillac and General Motors of Canada Limited reservethe right to limit services or reimbursement to an owner ordriver when, in their sole discretion, the claims becomeexcessive in frequency or type of occurrence.8-8