Cell phone chargers can interfere with the operation ofthe Keyless Access System. Battery chargers shouldnot be plugged in when starting or turning off the engine.To start you vehicle, do the following:Starting Procedure1. With your foot on the brake pedal, press theSTART button located on the instrument panel.If there is not a keyless access transmitter inthe vehicle or if there is something causinginterference with it, the DIC will display NO FOBSDETECTED. See DIC Warnings and Messageson page 3-63 for more information.2. When the engine begins cranking, let go of thebutton and the engine cranks automatically untilit starts. If the battery in the keyless accesstransmitter is weak, the DIC displays KEY FOBBATTERY LOW. You can still drive the vehicle.See “Battery Replacement” under Keyless AccessSystem Operation on page 2-6 for more information.If the fob battery is dead, you need to insert thefob into the fob slot to enable engine starting.See “No Fobs Detected” under DIC Warnings andMessages on page 3-63.3. Do not race the engine immediately after starting it.Operate the engine and transmission gently untilthe oil warms up and lubricates all moving parts.4. If the engine does not start and no DIC message isdisplayed, wait 15 seconds before trying again to letthe cranking motor cool down.If the engine does not start after 5-10 seconds,especially in very cold weather (below 0°F or −18°C),it could be flooded with too much gasoline. Trypushing the accelerator pedal all the way to the floorwhile cranking for up to 15 seconds maximum. Waitat least 15 seconds between each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down. When the engine starts,let go of the accelerator. If the vehicle starts brieflybut then stops again, do the same thing. This clearsthe extra gasoline from the engine.Notice: Cranking the engine for long periods oftime, by pressing the START button immediatelyafter cranking has ended, can overheat and damagethe cranking motor, and drain the battery. Wait atleast 15 seconds between each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down.2-25