Load Index: An assigned number ranging from1 to 279 that corresponds to the load carryingcapacity of a tire.Maximum Inflation Pressure: The maximum airpressure to which a cold tire can be inflated.The maximum air pressure is molded onto thesidewall.Maximum Load Rating: The load rating for a tireat the maximum permissible inflation pressurefor that tire.Maximum Loaded Vehicle Weight: The sum ofcurb weight, accessory weight, vehicle capacityweight, and production options weight.Normal Occupant Weight: The number ofoccupants a vehicle is designed to seat multipliedby 150 lbs (68 kg). See Loading Your Vehicleon page 5-22.Occupant Distribution: Designated seatingpositions.Outward Facing Sidewall: The side of anasymmetrical tire that has a particular side thatfaces outward when mounted on a vehicle.The side of the tire that contains a whitewall,bears white lettering, or bears manufacturer,brand, and/or model name molding that is higheror deeper than the same moldings on theother sidewall of the tire.Passenger (P-Metric) Tire: A tire used onpassenger cars and some light duty trucks andmultipurpose vehicles.Recommended Inflation Pressure: Vehiclemanufacturer’s recommended tire inflationpressure as shown on the tire placard.See Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 6-60and Loading Your Vehicle on page 5-22.Radial Ply Tire: A pneumatic tire in which theply cords that extend to the beads are laid at90 degrees to the centerline of the tread.Rim : A metal support for a tire and upon whichthe tire beads are seated.Sidewall : The portion of a tire between the treadand the bead.Speed Rating: An alphanumeric code assigned toa tire indicating the maximum speed at which atire can operate.Traction: The friction between the tire and theroad surface. The amount of grip provided.Tread : The portion of a tire that comes intocontact with the road.6-57