Black plate (27,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Infotainment System 7-27maximum of 50 folders andplaylists, and 255 files, the playerlets you access and navigate up tothe maximum, but all items over themaximum are not accessible.The HDD Radio can support morethan 255 files on an MP3/WMA disc.The HDD Radio does not supportplaylists on a disc or USB storagedevice.Root DirectoryThe root directory of the CD-R orCD-RW is treated as a folder. If theroot directory has compressedaudio files, the directory displays asF1 DISC. All files contained directlyunder the root directory areaccessed prior to any root directoryfolders. Playlists (Px) are alwaysaccessed after root folders or files.The HDD Radio displays the rootdirectory of an MP3/WMA disc asF1 MP3 and the root directory of aUSB storage device as F1 USB.Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder existssomewhere in the file structure thatcontains empty folders and nocompressed files in them, the playeradvances to the next folder in thefile structure that containscompressed audio files.No FolderWhen the CD contains onlycompressed files, the files arelocated under the root folder.The next and previous folderfunctions do not display on a CDthat was recorded without foldersor playlists. The radio displaysF1 DISC for the root directory.When the CD contains only playlistsand compressed audio files, but nofolders, all files are located underthe root folder. The folder downand the folder up buttons searchplaylists (Px) first and then go tothe root folder. The radio displaysF1 DISC for the root directory.Order of PlayTracks recorded to the CD-R orCD-RW play in the following order:. Play begins from the first track inthe first folder and continuessequentially through all tracks ineach folder. When the last trackof the last folder has played,play continues from the firsttrack of the first playlist.. Play begins from the first track inthe first playlist and continuessequentially through all tracks ineach playlist. When the lasttrack of the last playlist hasplayed, play continues from thefirst track of the first folder.Playlists can be changed bypressing the next and previousfolder button.When play enters a new folder, thedisplay does not automatically showthe new folder name unless thefolder mode has been chosen asthe default display. The new trackname displays.