Black plate (16,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 201213-16 Customer InformationRecycled original equipment partsmay also be used for repair.These parts are typically removedfrom vehicles that were total lossesin prior crashes. In most cases,the parts being recycled are fromundamaged sections of the vehicle.A recycled original equipment GMpart may be an acceptable choice tomaintain the vehicle's originallydesigned appearance and safetyperformance; however, the history ofthese parts is not known. Such partsare not covered by the GM NewVehicle Limited Warranty, and anyrelated failures are not covered bythat warranty.Aftermarket collision parts are alsoavailable. These are made bycompanies other than GM and maynot have been tested for the vehicle.As a result, these parts may fitpoorly, exhibit premature durability/corrosion problems, and may notperform properly in subsequentcollisions. Aftermarket parts are notcovered by the GM New VehicleLimited Warranty, and any vehiclefailure related to such parts is notcovered by that warranty.Repair FacilityGM also recommends that youchoose a collision repair facility thatmeets your needs before you everneed collision repairs. Your dealermay have a collision repair centerwith GM-trained technicians andstateoftheart equipment, or beable to recommend a collisionrepair center that has GM-trainedtechnicians and comparableequipment.Insuring the VehicleProtect your investment in theGM vehicle with comprehensiveand collision insurance coverage.There are significant differences inthe quality of coverage afforded byvarious insurance policy terms.Many insurance policies providereduced protection to the GMvehicle by limiting compensationfor damage repairs by usingaftermarket collision parts. Someinsurance companies will notspecify aftermarket collision parts.When purchasing insurance, werecommend that you ensure that thevehicle will be repaired with GMoriginal equipment collision parts.If such insurance coverage isnot available from your currentinsurance carrier, consider switchingto another insurance carrier.If the vehicle is leased, the leasingcompany may require you to haveinsurance that ensures repairs withGenuine GM Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) parts orGenuine Manufacturer replacementparts. Read the lease carefully, asyou may be charged at the end ofthe lease for poor quality repairs.