Black plate (11,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Customer Information 13-11. Lock-Out Service: Service tounlock the vehicle if you arelocked out.. Battery Jump Start: Service tojump start a dead battery.. *Emergency Messages:Transmission of urgent phonemessages.. *Emergency Calls: Call foremergency services.. *Dealership LocationAssistance: Informationregarding addresses andtelephone numbers for Cadillacdealers.. Emergency Towing: Tow to thenearest dealer for warrantyservice if the vehicle cannot bedriven.If the vehicle is involved in anaccident during the commissionof a crime, administrativeviolation, or breach of trafficregulations, RoadsideAssistance will not provideservice. When the vehicle isnot accessible to be towed, allmaneuvers required to access itwill be at the owner's expense.If the vehicle is in another cityoutside of your residence,Roadside Assistance is limitedto moving the vehicle to thenearest dealer. If you would likethe vehicle moved to a differentdealer, you will be asked tocover the difference in cost atthe time of the move.If the vehicle cannot be receivedby the nearest Cadillac dealerdue to scheduling conflicts, thevehicle will be taken to a safeplace where it will remain for upto 48 hours until it can be takento the dealer. If the storage costsexceed the amount authorized,the owner is responsible to paythe difference at the time ofservice. Contact RoadsideAssistance for more informationon authorized amounts.. *Trip Interruption: This serviceis provided if you are preventedfrom further usage of yourvehicle while traveling and it isnot possible for the nearestCadillac dealership to repair thevehicle the same day, requiringthe vehicle to stay at thedealership for a night or more.If this happens, in addition to thepreviously listed services andprior to confirmation by thedealership, you are entitled tochoose one of the followingalternatives, within the limits ofexisting Roadside Assistanceprogram guidelines. If the costsexceed the amount authorizedfor these services, you must paythe difference at the time ofservice.Roadside Assistancewill coordinate hotelaccommodations for all vehicletravelers for up to two nights.