Instruments and Controls 4-31The Average Fuel Economy can bereset by pressing SET while theAverage Fuel Economy display isshowing.The Instantaneous Fuel Economydisplay shows the current fueleconomy in either liters per100 kilometers (L/100 km) or milesper gallon (mpg). This numberreflects only the fuel economythat the vehicle has right now andchanges frequently as drivingconditions change. Unlike averageeconomy, this display cannot bereset.Fuel RangeThe Fuel Range display shows theapproximate distance the vehiclecan be driven without refueling.The fuel range estimate is based onan average of the vehicle's fueleconomy over recent driving historyand the amount of fuel remaining inthe fuel tank. Fuel range cannot bereset.Fuel UsedThe Fuel Used display showsthe approximate gallons (gal) orliters (L) of fuel that has been usedsince last reset. The fuel used canbe reset by pressing the SET buttonwhile the Fuel Used display isshowing.Average Vehicle SpeedThe Average Vehicle Speed displayshows the average speed of thevehicle in miles per hour (mph) orkilometers per hour (km/h). Thisaverage is calculated based on thevarious vehicle speeds recordedsince the last reset of this value.The average speed can be reset bypressing the SET button while theAverage Vehicle Speed display isshowing.Elapsed TimeThis display can be used as a timer.To start the timer, press SET whileElapsed Time is displayed. Thedisplay will show the amount of timethat has passed since the timer waslast reset. To stop the timer, pressSET briefly while Elapsed Time isdisplayed. To reset the timer to zero,press and hold SET.Turn by TurnThis display is used for the OnStaror Navigation System Turn-by-Turnguidance. See OnStar ® System onpage 4‑46 or the Navigationmanual, if the vehicle hasnavigation, for more information.Speed and Curve AssistThis display will show the speedlimit or the advised speed asdetermined by the information onthe map disc in the navigationsystem. If there is no map disc inthe navigation system, this displaywill not be available.