9-54 Vehicle CareCompact Spare Tire Example(A) Tire Ply Material : The typeof cord and number of plies inthe sidewall and under the tread.(B) Temporary Use Only : Thecompact spare tire or temporaryuse tire has a tread life ofapproximately 5 000 km(3,000 miles) and should not bedriven at speeds over 105 km/h(65 mph). The compact sparetire is for emergency use when aregular road tire has lost airand gone flat. If your vehiclehas a compact spare tire,see Compact Spare Tire onpage 9‑100 and If a Tire GoesFlat on page 9‑74.(C) Tire Identification Number(TIN) : The letters and numbersfollowing the DOT (Departmentof Transportation) code is theTire Identification Number(TIN). The TIN shows themanufacturer and plant code,tire size, and date the tire wasmanufactured. The TIN ismolded onto both sides of thetire, although only one side mayhave the date of manufacture.(D) Maximum Cold InflationLoad Limit : Maximum loadthat can be carried and themaximum pressure needed tosupport that load.(E) Tire Inflation : Thetemporary use tire or compactspare tire should be inflated to420 kPa (60 psi). For moreinformation on tire pressure andinflation see Tire Pressure onpage 9‑59.(F) Tire Size : A combination ofletters and numbers define atire's width, height, aspect ratio,construction type, and servicedescription. The letter T as thefirst character in the tire sizemeans the tire is for temporaryuse only.(G) TPC Spec (TirePerformance CriteriaSpecification) : Originalequipment tires designed toGM's specific tire performancecriteria have a TPC specificationcode molded onto the sidewall.GM's TPC specifications meetor exceed all federal safetyguidelines.