6-44 Infotainment SystemTips and Troubleshooting Chart (cont'd)Problem Recommended ActionThe auxiliary source is running butthere is no picture or sound.Check that the RSE video screenis in the auxiliary source mode bypressing the AUX button on theremote control.Check the auxiliary inputconnections at both devices.Sometimes the wireless headphoneaudio cuts out or buzzes.Check for obstructions, lowbatteries, reception range,and interference from cellulartelephone towers or by using acellular telephone in the vehicle.Check that the headphones areon correctly using the L (left) andR (right) on the headphones.Check that the headphones arepositioned properly with theheadband across the top ofthe head.I lost the remote and/or theheadphones.See your dealer/retailer forassistance.The DVD is playing, but there is nopicture or sound.Check that the RSE video screenis sourced to the DVD player bypressing the AUX button on theremote control.DVD Display Error MessagesThe DVD display error messagedepends on which radio the vehiclehas. The video screen may displayone of the following:Disc Load/Eject Error orMechanical Error: There are discload or eject problems.Disc Format Error or UnknownFormat: The disc is inserted withthe disc label wrong side up, or ifthe disc is damaged.Disc Region Error or Disc Error:The disc is not from a correctregion.No Disc Inserted: No disc ispresent when the Z EJECT orMEM/DVD/AUX button is pressedon the radio.