12-12 Customer InformationPublic Transportation or FuelReimbursementIf your vehicle requires warrantyrepairs, and public transportation isused instead of the dealer's shuttleservice, the expense must besupported by original receipts andcan only be up to the maximumamount allowed by GM for shuttleservice. In addition, for U.S.customers, should you arrangetransportation through a friend orrelative, limited reimbursement forreasonable fuel expenses may beavailable. Claim amounts shouldreflect actual costs and besupported by original receipts. Seeyour dealer for information regardingthe allowance amounts forreimbursement of fuel or othertransportation costs.Courtesy Rental VehicleYour dealer may arrange to provideyou with a courtesy rental vehicle orreimburse you for a rental vehiclethat you obtain if your vehicle iskept for a warranty repair. If youobtain a rental vehicle on your own,please see your dealer for themaximum number of days allowedand the allowance per rental day.Rental reimbursement must besupported by original receipts. Thisrequires that you sign and completea rental agreement and meet state,local, and rental vehicle providerrequirements. Requirements varyand may include minimum agerequirements, insurance coverage,credit card, etc. You are responsiblefor fuel usage charges and may alsobe responsible for taxes, levies,usage fees, excessive mileage,or rental usage beyond thecompletion of the repair.It may not be possible to provide alike-vehicle as a courtesy rental.Additional ProgramInformationAll program options, such as shuttleservice, may not be available atevery dealer. Please contact yourdealer for specific informationabout availability. All CourtesyTransportation arrangements will beadministered by appropriate dealerpersonnel.General Motors reserves theright to unilaterally modify, change,or discontinue CourtesyTransportation at any time and toresolve all questions of claimeligibility pursuant to the terms andconditions described herein at itssole discretion.