1-16 Keys, Doors and WindowsThe power liftgate may betemporarily disabled underextreme temperatures or lowbattery conditions. If this occurs,the liftgate can still be operatedmanually.If you shift the transmission out ofP (Park) while the power functionis in progress, the liftgate powerfunction will continue to completion.If you shift the transmission out ofP (Park) and accelerate before thepower liftgate latch is closed, theliftgate may reverse to the openposition. Cargo could fall out of thevehicle. Always make sure thepower liftgate is closed and latchedbefore you drive away.If you power open the liftgate andthe liftgate support struts have lostpressure, the turn signals flashand a chime sounds. The liftgatestays open temporarily, then slowlycloses. See your dealer/retailer forservice before using the liftgate.Obstacle Detection FeaturesIf the liftgate encounters an obstacleduring a power open or close cycle,a warning chime will sound andthe liftgate will automatically reversedirection to the full closed oropen position. After removing theobstruction, the power liftgateoperation can be used again.If the liftgate encounters multipleobstacles on the same power cycle,the power function will deactivate.The Power Liftgate Unavailablewarning message in the DriverInformation Center (DIC) willdisplay. After removing theobstructions, the liftgate willresume normal power operation.The vehicle has pinch sensorslocated on the side edges of theliftgate. If an object is caughtbetween the liftgate and the bodyand presses against this sensor, theliftgate will reverse direction andopen fully. The liftgate will remainopen until it is activated again orclosed manually.Setting the Power Liftgate3/4 ModeTo change the liftgate stop position:1. Turn the liftgate switch to eitherthe MAX, or the 3/4 modeposition and power open theliftgate.2. Stop the liftgate movement atthe desired height by pressingany liftgate switch. Manuallyadjust the liftgate position ifrequired.3. Press and hold the button on theliftgate adjacent to the latch untilthe turn signals flash and a beepsounds to indicate that the newsetting is recorded.When power opened with the3/4 mode selected, the liftgate stopsat the new set position.