Driving and Operating 8-57Since the rear axle already weighs1 225 kg (2,700 lbs), adding 578 kg(1,275 lbs) brings the total to1 803 kg (3,975 lbs). This is veryclose to, but within the limit forRGAWR as well. The vehicle is setto trailer up to 3 856 kg (8,500 lbs).If the vehicle has many options andthere is a front seat passenger andtwo rear seat passengers with someluggage and gear in the vehicle aswell. 136 kg (300 lbs) could beadded to the front axle weight and181 kg (400 lbs) to the rear axleweight. The vehicle now weighs:Weight is still below 3 266 kg(7,200 lbs) and you might think318 additional kilograms (700 lbs)should be subtracted from thetrailering capacity to stay withinGCWR limits. The maximum trailerwould only be 3 538 kg (7,800 lbs).You may go further and think thetongue weight should be limited toless than 454 kg (1,000 lbs) to avoidexceeding GVWR. But the effecton the rear axle must still beconsidered. Because the rear axlenow weighs 1 406 kg (3,100 lbs),408 kg (900 lbs) can be put on therear axle without exceedingRGAWR. The effect of tongueweight is about 1.5 times the actualweight. Dividing the 408 kg (900 lbs)by 1.5 leaves only 272 kg (600 lbs)of tongue weight that can behandled. Since tongue weight isusually at least 10 percent of totalloaded trailer weight, expect thatthe largest trailer the vehicle canproperly handle is 2 722 kg(6,000 lbs).It is important that the vehicledoes not exceed any of itsratings — GCWR, GVWR, RGAWR,Maximum Trailer Rating or TongueWeight. The only way to be sure it isnot exceeding any of these ratingsis to weigh the vehicle and trailer.Total Weight on the Vehicle'sTiresBe sure the vehicle's tires areinflated to the upper limit for coldtires. These numbers can be foundon the Certification label or seeVehicle Load Limits on page 8‑11for more information. Make sure notto go over the GVW limit for thevehicle, or the GAWR, including theweight of the trailer tongue. If usinga weight distributing hitch, makesure not to go over the rear axlelimit before applying the weightdistribution spring bars.