9-60 Vehicle CareWhen to CheckCheck your tires once a monthor more. Do not forget to checkthe compact spare tire, if thevehicle has one. The compactspare should be at 60 psi(420 kPa). For additionalinformation regarding thecompact spare tire, seeCompact Spare Tire onpage 9‑100.How to CheckUse a good quality pocket-typegauge to check tire pressure.You cannot tell if your tires areproperly inflated simply bylooking at them. Radial tires maylook properly inflated even whenthey are under‐inflated. Checkthe tire's inflation pressure whenthe tires are cold. Cold meansyour vehicle has been sitting forat least three hours or driven nomore than 1.6 km (1 mile).Remove the valve cap from thetire valve stem. Press the tiregauge firmly onto the valve toget a pressure measurement.If the cold tire inflation pressurematches the recommendedpressure on the Tire andLoading Information label, nofurther adjustment is necessary.If the inflation pressure is low,add air until you reach therecommended amount.If you overfill the tire, release airby pushing on the metal stem inthe center of the tire valve.Re‐check the tire pressure withthe tire gauge.Be sure to put the valve capsback on the valve stems. Theyhelp prevent leaks by keepingout dirt and moisture.Tire Pressure forHigh-Speed Operation{ WARNINGDriving at high speeds, 160 km/h(100 mph) or higher, puts anadditional strain on tires.Sustained high-speed drivingcauses excessive heat build upand can cause sudden tire failure.You could have a crash and youor others could be killed. Somehigh-speed rated tires requireinflation pressure adjustment forhigh speed operation. Whenspeed limits and road conditionsare such that a vehicle can bedriven at high speeds, make surethe tires are rated for high speedoperation, in excellent condition,and set to the correct cold tireinflation pressure for thevehicle load.