Chapter 11-91.2.6 System Requirements for Printer Driver 0007-2758Operating SystemWindows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XPComputerAny computer on whitch Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP runs properly.Hardware Environment-IBM or IBM-compatible PC-CD-ROM drive or network environment with the access to CD-ROM-PC equipped with a USB port and the USB class driver installedT-1-9*Log on as a user with adoministrator privileges is recommended.Memo:The USB 2.0 connection requires a PC equipped with a CPU faster than 300 MHz and more than 64 MB ofRAM and with Windows XP SP1 installed, or with a CPU faster than 133 MHz and more than 64 MB ofRAM and with Windows 2000 SP4 installed. If your PC meets all of these requirements and is preinstalledwith USB 2.0 Host Controller, the USB 2.0 connection will be guaranteed.OS CPU RAM Available Free Disk SpaceWindows 98 Intel Pentium 90 MHz or greater 32 MB of RAM, 64 MB orgreater is recommendedAt least 115 MB, 200MB or greater isrecommendedWindows Me Intel Pentium 150 MHz or greater 32 MB of RAM, 64 MB orgreater is recommendedAt least 115 MB, 200MB or greater isrecommendedWindows 2000*ProfessionalIntel Pentium 133 MHz or greater,or compatible micro processors(up to 2 processors are supported)64 MB of RAM, 128 MBor greater is recommendedAt least 115 MB, 200MB or greater isrecommendedWindows XP* Pentium Family 300 MHz orgreater64 MB of RAM, 128 MBor greater is recommendedAt least 115 MB, 200MB or greater isrecommended