To receive faxes to the MultiPASS Suite:1 Access toolbarClick the icon on the MultiPASS Toolbar.2 Set up Fax Receive mode on the PCIn MultiPASS Explorer, click the MMuullttiiPPAASSSSmenu, then select DDeevviiccee SSeettuupp//SSppeeeedd DDiiaall,then MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF5500..Click the RReecceeiivvee FFaaxx tab.Under RReecceeiivvee CCoonnddiittiioonnss,, click the drop-down menu next to WWhheenn CCoommppuutteerr IIss OOnn..Select SSeenndd ttoo PPCC to save incoming faxes onyour PC, or select PPrriinntt FFaaxx to enable incomingfaxes to print under RReecceeiivvee CCoonnddiittiioonn WWhheennCCoommppuutteerr IIss OOffff.The MultiPASS Status MonitorThe Status Monitor displays a list of the F50MFP’s currently running jobs. If no jobs arerunning, it shows the F50 MFP as idle.The Status Monitor normally opens automatically when you turn on yourcomputer. However, if you close it for any reason, it must be opened again toprint, scan or fax from your PC.To open the Status Monitor:Click SSttaarrtt, then PPrrooggrraammss.Select CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS SSuuiittee 44..00,, then CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS SSttaattuuss MMoonniittoorr.The following window will appear on your screen.1100MultiPASS F50 User’s ManualTips on SendingFaxes or EmailsUsing MultiPASSWhen prompted, enter the nameand fax number and/or emailaddress of the recipient, thenclick AAdddd ttoo RReecciippiieenntt LLiisstt. Thisinformation will also be stored inthe MultiPASS Address Book forfuture use.TToo ffaaxx oorr eemmaaiill ttoo mmuullttiipplleerreecciippiieennttss (sometimes referred toas sequential broadcasting),continue to enter fax numbers oremail addresses and click AAdddd ttooRReecciippiieenntt LLiisstt.Once fax or email data is entered,you have the option to SSeenndd NNoowwor SSeenndd LLaatteerr. If you click SSeennddLLaatteerr, you will be prompted toenter a date and time to send thefax or email.F50 Chapter 2-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:06 PM Page 10