To select best print quality with the Print Advisor wizard:1 Access printer driverFrom an application FFiillee menu,select PPrriinntt.With CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF5500PPrriinntteerr as the selected printer,click PPrrooppeerrttiieess. The Propertieswindow will open to the MMaaiinntab.2 Use Print AdvisorClick the PPrriinntt AAddvviissoorr button.The wizard dialog box will open.Follow on-screen instructions to select the optimum output type, media andsettings for your print job.When done, click OOKK to save the setting and close the window.To manually adjust print quality settings:1 Access printer driverFrom an application FFiillee menu, select PPrriinntt.With CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF5500 PPrriinntteerr as the selected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.The Properties window will open to the MMaaiinn tab.2 Select media typeSelect the appropriate MMeeddiiaa TTyyppee from the drop-down menu.3 Change media settingsEach MMeeddiiaa TTyyppee has a default PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyy, but you can select differentsettings:HHiigghh For high quality when printing a color document.SSttaannddaarrdd For high quality when printing text.DDrraafftt For printing text drafts at a faster speed.CCuussttoomm To allow for more precise control.MultiPASS F50 User’s Manual4422F50 Chapter 5-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:13 PM Page 42