Using ScanGear® SoftwareYou can also adjust these settings in, andscan directly from, the MultiPASS Toolbar’sScanGear driver.To enable ScanGear Software:Click the SSeettttiinnggss icon on thetoolbar, then click the TToooollbbaarr SSeettttiinnggsstab.Under GGeenneerraall, check the box for SShhoowwSSccaannGGeeaarr bbeeffoorree ssccaannnniinngg.The ScanGear dialog box will open wheneveryou scan from the MultiPASS Toolbar.Using the Scan Button for One-Push FunctionsYou can set the button on the F50 MFP’s control panel to instantlyperform any of the Toolbar’s functions.To enable a particular function for the Scan button:1 Access Toolbar SettingsClick SSeettttiinnggss on the MultiPASS Toolbar, then click the TToooollbbaarr SSeettttiinnggss tab.2 Activate Scanner Push Button dialogClick the drop-down list under WWhheenn SSccaannnneerr PPuusshh BBuuttttoonn pprreesssseedd.Select from this list the function you would like to assign to the Scan buttonon the control panel.You can also select this setting by right-clicking the MultiPASS Toolbar iconon the taskbar, then selecting from the list under WWhheenn SSccaannnneerr PPuusshhBBuuttttoonn pprreesssseedd..6611How to ScanF50 Chapter 7-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:16 PM Page 61