• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on a different circuit.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Use of a shielded cable is required to comply with Class B limits in Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Do not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the manual. If suchchanges or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.Canon U.S.A., Inc.Digital Home and Personal Systems Division2995 RedHill AvenueCosta Mesa, CA 926261-800-423-2366Canadian Radio Interference RegulationsThis digital apparatus does not exceed Class B limits for radio noise emissions from a digital apparatus as setout in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus”, ICES-003 of the IndustryCanada.Cet appareil numérique respecte les limites de bruits radio électriques applicables aux appareils numériquesde Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le matériel brouilleur: “Appareils Numériques”, NMB-003 édictée parl’Industrie Canada.SpecificationsSystem Requirements• CD-ROM drive, or access to one over a network connection• 256-color SVGA monitor or greater• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later• 60 MB of available hard disk space (150 MB of available hard disk spaceis recommended)MMiiccrroossoofftt WWiinnddoowwss 9955//9988 IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium® 90 processor or higher,32 megabytes (MB) of RAM (64 MB of RAM or more is recommended)WWiinnddoowwss NNTT 44..00:: IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium 90 processor or higher,32 megabytes (MB) of RAM (64 MB of RAM or more is recommended)Service Pack 4 or laterWWiinnddoowwss MMee:: IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium 150 processor or higher,32 megabytes (MB) of RAM (64 MB of RAM or more is recommended)WWiinnddoowwss 22000000:: IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium 133 processor or higher,64 megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB of RAM or more is recommended)The MultiPASS Suite for Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000 supports both parallel and USB ports.FFoorr ppaarraalllleell ppoorrtt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn:: Shielded, bi-directional, IEEE-1284-compatible parallel cable 6.6 feet or shorterFFoorr UUSSBB ppoorrtt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ((WWiinnddoowwss 9988//MMee aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 oonnllyy)):: USB cable 16.4 feet in length or shorterMultiPASS F50 User’s Manual8866F50 Chapter 10-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:21 PM Page 86