Aligning the PrintheadWhen you install a new printhead or replace an old printhead, you will need toalign the position of the printhead before printing.Several sheets of paper are required to align the printhead. Ensure that a stackof paper is loaded in the F50 MFP before performing alignment.To align a new printhead:1 Print vertical line patternWhen a new printhead has been installed, AALLIIGGNN PPRRIINNTTHHEEAADD // PPRREESSSS SSEETTKKEEYY will display on the LCD panel.Press once. The F50 MFP will print the vertical line pattern, and the LCDmessage will change to:2 Enter value for first vertical columnReview the vertical pattern printout,noting which box in CCoolluummnn AA printswith the most solid image.For the A column printed pattern, usethe keys to scroll to the valuefor the most solid box in the column.If you have difficulty onCCoolluummnn AA when choosingbetween two patterns,use the larger valuenumber.Press to select.3 Enter value for remaining vertical columnsCCHHAANNGGEE VV VVAALLUUEE will appear again, this time for CCoolluummnn BB:CHANGE V VALUEA 0Column A Value for columnMultiPASS F50 User’s Manual6666MOSTSOLID BOXLEASTSOLID BOXBADGOODF50 Chapter 8-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:18 PM Page 66