With CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF5500 PPrriinntteerr as the selected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.2 Make page setup changesClick the PPaaggee SSeettuupp tab.From this tab, you can change the following:PPaaggee SSiizzee defaults to the page size set in the original document, but can bechanged.OOrriieennttaattiioonn lets you select either portrait or landscape orientation.PPrriinntteerr PPaappeerr SSiizzee is the page size used by the printer. This defaults to matchthe page size. However, a different printer paper size can be selected if aPrinting Type other than normal is selected (see below).PPrriinnttiinngg TTyyppee defaults to Normal-size Printing. Click the drop-down arrow toselect a different Printing Type:SSccaalleedd PPrriinnttiinngg lets you set the scale of the printed image down to 20%or up to 400% of the original.FFiitt--TToo--PPaaggee PPrriinnttiinngg lets you automatically reduce the image to fit thepage on which it will be copied.PPaaggee LLaayyoouutt PPrriinnttiinngg lets you set the number of pages to print on asingle sheet. Click SSppeecciiffyy to set the number of pages to a sheet ofpaper (2 to 16), the print order for those pages (left to right or right toleft) and whether you want to print a border around each page.PPoosstteerr PPrriinnttiinngg lets you print an oversized image on multiple pages thatcan then be manually joined together. Click Specify to set the imagedivisions (how many tiles the image will break up into).BBaannnneerr PPrriinnttiinngg is used for printing banners on special banner paper.When done, click OOKK.Saving and Recalling Driver SettingsWhen you change printer driver settings for a specific print job, such as printingblack and white photos, or printing documents with a special background, youcan save and name this settings profile for future use on other similar print jobs.MultiPASS F50 User’s Manual4466F50 Chapter 5-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:13 PM Page 46