can still print it on demand. See “Printing Reports on Demand” on previouspage.To enable/disable automatic report printing:1 Access desired reportPress until FFAAXX SSEETTTTIINNGGSS appears. Press to access.Press until RREEPPOORRTT SSEETTTTIINNGGSS appears. Press to access.Press to scroll to the desired report. Press to access.2 Enable/disable automatic printingPress to scroll through options:PPRRIINNTT EERRRROORR OONNLLYY causes a report to print only when atransmission error (TX) or reception error (RX) occurs.OOUUTTPPUUTT NNOO disables automatic printing.OOUUTTPPUUTT YYEESS prints a report every time a fax is sent (TX) or received (RX).For an AAccttiivviittyy RReeppoorrtt the options are OONN or OOFFFF only.Press to select.If you enable printing for the TX Report, continue to the next step.Otherwise, press to exit.3 enable or disable fax page (TX Report only)If you select PPRRIINNTT EERRRROORR OONNLLYY or OOUUTTPPUUTT YYEESS for a TX Report, you have theoption to PPRRIINNTT WWIITTHH IIMMAAGGEE, which includes the first page of the fax (B&Wonly) with the report.OONN prints the first page of the fax after the report.OOFFFF disables this feature.Press to scroll to OONN or OOFFFF, then press to select.Press to exit.1199Setting Up Your FaxF50 Chapter 3-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:08 PM Page 19