Scanning From Within an ApplicationMost image processing applications use the TWAIN driver standard forscanning. Much in the same way your printer driver allows your PC tocommunicate with your printer, a TWAIN driver makes it possible to send ascanned document from a scanner to your application.When your F50 MFP is connected to your PC and the software is loaded, youcan scan a document from the F50 MFP in most image processing applications.This is usually done from the FFiillee menu, using either an IImmppoorrtt or AAccqquuiirree menuoption. Refer to the documentation for your image processing application, ifneeded, for the exact procedure to access the scanner from within theapplication.To scan from an application:1 Load documentTo load a document in the ADF:• Lift the document cover to make surethere are no documents on the glass.• Insert the document(s) in the ADF tray asshown, facing up.• Adjust the document guide tabs as needed.The F50 MFP will feed the top page first.You can load up to 30 letter- or legal-size pages of 20 lb. paper in the ADF at onetime.If a paper jam occurs, See “Clearing Paper Jamsin the ADF” on page 50.To load document on platen glass:• Place document face down on the platenglass.2 Acquire imageFrom your image processing application, select CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF5500SSccaannnneerr as the TWAIN SOURCE if not already selected. Access the scannersoftware to acquire the image.MultiPASS F50 User’s Manual6600F50 Chapter 7-33.qxd 6/20/01 5:16 PM Page 60