Intelligent Function Setting Tool1175 Admin ToolsIf camera control privileges are not obtained, thisfunction is grayed out.(10)[Detection Settings]Show the [Detection Settings] dialog box (p. 124).This dialog box allows you to reduce the effects oflighting changes.(11)[Lock camera position] checkboxSelect this checkbox to move the camera position to apreset position selected from the preset selection boxand lock it there. Lock the camera position whenspecifying detection settings to obtain a correctdetection result.If camera control privileges are not obtained or apreset position has not been set, this function isgrayed out.(12)Camera position selection boxSelect the camera position from the view restrictionpresets or the home position. Use the Preset SettingTool to set presets or the home position (p. 106).If camera control privileges are not obtained, the[Lock camera position] checkbox is not selected, or apreset position within the view restriction has not beenset, this function is grayed out.(13)[Detection Setting List]A list with the specified detection settings is shown.(14)[Add]The [New Detection Settings] dialog box is shown anddetection settings can be added.(15)[Delete]Delete detection settings selected from the [DetectionSetting List].(16)[Detection Setting Number], [Detection Type]The detection setting numbers and detection typesselected from the [Detection Setting List] are shown.(17)[Enable these detection settings] checkboxSelect this checkbox to enable the detection settingsthat are selected in the [Detection Setting List].(18)[Detection Criteria] tab, [Event] tabSwitch between the Detection Criteria and Event tabs.• [Detection Criteria]Specify detection settings name, detection area/line,and detection criteria (p. 119).• [Event]Specify operations to be performed when eventsoccur (p. 120).(19)[Restore settings]Clear the settings you have specified on the screen ofthe tool and restore the settings saved in the camera.(20)[Save settings]Save the edited detection settings in the camera.After the detection settings have been specified, besure to save the settings in the camera by clicking[Save settings].Flow of Intelligent Function SettingThe intelligent functions are set according to theprocedure below. For details on the setting method, seeeach setting page. Camera Position SettingsFor details on the preset setting method, see “PresetSetting Tool” (p. 106).This selects [Lock camera position] in the IntelligentFunction Setting Tool.If [No] is clicked, select [Lock camera position].ImportantIt takes tens of seconds for the intelligent function to restart. Nodetection is performed while restarting.ImportantPresets that were set with the Preset Setting Tool cannot beused for the settings of intelligent functions.1 Register the camera angle as a preset using thePreset Setting Tool.ImportantIt is strongly recommended that you preset the camera angle inadvance and lock the camera at a preset position with theIntelligent Function Setting Tool. An angle of view that capturesthe target object up close is also recommended.2 Launch the Intelligent Function Setting Tool.3 Click [Yes].4 Select a preset.