![Canon imageCLASS MF6540 Reference Manual Manual pdf 284 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2845862/8f647e1c4c00dfe4a329b3bbb6bc2eb1284f.jpg)
1234567891011Back NextPreviousTOP11-54Before Using theMachineDocument and PaperCopyingSending and Receiving (MF6595cx/MF6595/MF6590 Only)Printing andScanningNetwork (MF6595cx/MF6595/MF6590/MF6540 Only)Remote UI (MF6595cx/MF6595/MF6590/MF6540 Only)System SettingsMaintenanceTroubleshootingAppendixIndexTable of ContentsRemote UIRemote User Interface (UI) allows you to remotely perform machinefunctions from a computer connected to the network using webbrowser software. Many functions that are done physically at theCanon machine’s operation panel can be done via software at anetworked computer using a web browser, such as Microsoft InternetExplorer.ReportA document printed by the machine and containing informationabout the documents it has sent or received.ResolutionThe density of dots for any given output device. Expressed in termsof dots per inch (dpi). Low resolution causes font characters andgraphics to have a jagged appearance. Higher resolution meanssmoother curves and angles as well as a better match to traditionaltypeface designs. Resolution values are represented by horizontaldata and vertical data, for example, 600 x 600 dpi.RIP (Raster Image Processor)The hardware and/or software functions of a printer that convertvector graphic descriptions from a computer into raster graphicimages that can be printed.Rotary pulseA telephone dialing system where a dial is rotated to send pulses tothe telephone switching system. In pulse dialing, you hear clicks. Intouch-tone dialing, the most common dialing system, you hear tones.Rotary pulse dialing requires certain setting adjustments.RXSee Receiving.SSendingSending documents is also defined as TX or Transmit. The machinecan scan and send documents via fax.Sending speedThe rate at which faxes are transmitted through the phone line. Seealso bps (bits per seconds).SMBServer Message Block. A protocol that provides file and printersharing over a network for Windows computers.SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol. The network managementprotocol of TCP/IP.In SNMP, agents, which can be hardware as well as software, monitorthe activity of the various devices on the network and report to thenetwork console workstation.SpoolSimultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line. Spooling meansputting jobs in a buffer, which is a special area in memory or ona disk. Because devices access data at different rates, the bufferprovides a waiting station where the data can wait until the devicefor which it is meant is ready to access it.StandbyThe mode in which the machine is on and ready to use.