Fax (imageRUNNER 1025iF Only)5-24Specifying Destinations4Press[Start].If the message appears, press[] or [] to select the original size, thenpress[Start] for each original. When scanningis complete, press [OK] to start sending.Using Coded Dial CodesUsing Coded Dial CodesYou can specify up to 177 destinations using coded dial codes.To use this feature, you must fi rst register destinations in coded dial code. (See “Storing/Editing Coded Dial Codes,” on p. 3-14.)A maximum of 201 destinations can be specifi ed at the same time. (Out of the 200 destinations, a number or address can be specifi edwith the numeric keys.) If you specify a group, which is made up of several destinations, each destination in the group is counted as aseparate address.––1Place the original on the platen glass orload it in the ADF.2Press[SEND].3Press[Coded Dial] .4Enter the desired three-digit code (000 to176) with–[numeric keys].[ * 0 0 1 ]Ex.I N P U TC O D E DN U M B E RIf you enter a wrong code:Press[Clear] and try again from step 3.If you specify an I-fax address:You can enter the optional settings bypressing [OK]. (See“Send Settings,” on p. 5-43.)[ * 0 0 1 ] 0 1 2 X X X X X X X= J o h nWhen