11-3System Manager SettingsOverview of System Manager SettingsID Management for System SettingsYou can set an ID and a password forthe System Manager. Once the SystemManager ID/password is set,restrictions can be placed onaccessing the System Settings menu.For details, see “Specifying theSystem Manager Settings,” on p. 11-4,“Security“ and “Settings from a PC,” inthe e-Manual.Department ID ManagementThe Department ID Management is a securityfeature that restricts operations of the machine ona per group basis.This feature enables you to create Department IDsand passwords and manage the machine bylimiting its use to only those who enter the correctID and password. By creating these settings, youcan also do the following:Keep track of the copy, print, and scan totals foreach department.–Set the page limit for each department to copy,print, and scan.–For details, see “Department IDManagement ,” on p. 11-7, “Security“and “Settings from a PC,” in the e-Manual.User ID ManagementThe User ID Management is a securityfeature that restricts operations ofthe machine on a per individual basis.This feature enables you to createUser IDs and passwords and managethe machine by limiting its use to onlythose who enter the correct ID andpassword.For details, see “Managing User IDs,”on p. 11-16, “Security“ and “Settingsfrom a PC,” in the e-Manual.ID Card ManagementThe ID Card Management functions asthe Department ID Managementfeature.Instead of entering a Department IDand password, you need to insert anoptional control card to operate themachine.For details, see “Managing ID Cards(Optional Equipment),” on p. 11-17,“Security“ and “Settings from a PC,” inthe e-Manual.The System Manager settings include the following: