11-8System Manager SettingsDepartment ID Management8 Press [ ] or [ ] to select, then press [OK].1 . P A S S W O R DR E G I S T E R D E P T . I D9 Enter the password using – [numerickeys], then press [OK].0 0 0 0 0 0 0P A S S W O R DIf you make a mistake when entering a number,press and hold [Clear] to clear the entirenumber, then enter the correct number.The maximum number of digits that you canstore for the password is seven. If you enterfewer than seven digits for either setting, themachine stores them with leading zeros.Example: If <321> is entered, <0000321> isstored.You cannot register a password with only zerosas the number, such as <0000000>. If you entera number that begins with zeros, the leadingzeros are ignored.Example: If <02> or <002> is entered,<0000002> is stored.––•–•1010 Press [ ] or [ ] to select SET.>, then press [OK].2 . P A G E L I M I T S E T .R E G I S T E R D E P T . I D1111 Press [ ] or [ ] to select the desiredfunction, then press [OK].1 . T O T A L P R I N TP A G E L I M I T S E T .You can select , ,, , or . is the sum of and .The pages of received fax/I-fax documents andautomatically printed reports are not countedas prints.––1212 Press [ ] or [ ] to select TOTAL> (when isselected), then press [OK].1 . R E S T R I C T T O T A LT O T A L P R I N TThe message displayed will vary depending onwhich function you selected in step 11.Example: appears when is selected.1313 Press [ ] or [ ] to select or, then press [OK].O NR E S T R I C T T O T A L: Does not set a page limit restriction.Skip to step 16.: Sets a page limit restriction. PreviousNext |