Originals and Print Media2-12Loading PaperTo print on the back side of preprintedpaperLoad the preprinted paper face up into the stackbypass, as shown in the illustration below.When the paper is loaded into the stack bypass,the side facing down is the one printed on.The screen for selecting the paper size appears.Make sure that the paper stack does not exceedthe paper limit guide.Some types of paper may not feed properly intothe stack bypass. For high quality copies, besure to use the paper and transparenciesrecommended by Canon.When making copies of a small document orthick paper, etc., the copy speed may be slightlyslower than usual.If there are instructions on the paper packageabout which side of the paper to load, followthose instructions.If problems, such as poor print quality or paperjams occur, try turning the paper stack over andreload it.–––––If you are loading envelopes into the stackbypass:Gently load the stack of envelopes with theaddress side facing down and the flap side tothe left. Be sure to insert the envelopes as far asthey will go.When you load the envelopes, arrange the stackof envelopes on a fi rm, clean surface fi rst, thenpress down firmly on the edges to make thefolds crisp.5 Adjust the slide guides to the width of thepaper stack.Make sure that the paper stack does not exceedthe paper limit guide.Some types of paper may not feed properly intothe stack bypass. For high quality copies, besure to use the paper and transparenciesrecommended by Canon.When making copies of a small document orthick paper, etc., the copy speed may be slightlyslower than usual.–––