11-7System Manager SettingsDepartment ID ManagementDepartment ID ManagementYou can register a Department ID and password for each department, and manage themachine by limiting its use to only those who enter the correct Department ID andpassword. This is called Department ID Management. Use Department ID Management tokeep track of the copy, scan, and print totals for each department.If the optional Card Reader-E1 is attached, Department ID Management is automatically activated.Registering the Department ID, Password, and Page LimitRegistering the Department ID, Password, and Page Limit1 Press [Additional Functions].2 Press [ ] or [ ] to select SETTINGS>, then press [OK].9 . S Y S T E M S E T T I N G SA D D . F U N C T I O N SIf the System Manager ID and System Passwordhave been set, enter the System Manager ID andSystem Password using – [numeric keys],then press [Log In/Out].3 Press [ ] or [ ] to select DEPT. ID>, then press [OK].3 . M A N A G E D E P T . I DS Y S T E M S E T T I N G S4 Press [ ] or [ ] to select , thenpress [OK].O NM A N A G E D E P T . I D5 Press [ ] or [ ] to select DEPT. ID>, then press [OK].1 . R E G I S T E R D E P T . I DM A N A G E D E P T . I D6 Press [ ] or [ ] to select the numberto which department will be designated,then press [OK].0 0 0 1 : - - - - - - -R E G I S T E R D E P T . I D7 Enter the Department ID using– [numeric keys], then press [OK].0 0 0 0 0 0 1R E G I S T E R D E P T . I DEx.If you make a mistake when entering a number,press and hold [Clear] to clear the entirenumber, then enter the correct number.The maximum number of digits that you canstore for the Department ID is seven. If youenter fewer than seven digits for either setting,the machine stores them with leading zeros.Example: If <321> is entered, <0000321> isstored.You cannot register a Department ID with onlyzeros as the number, such as <0000000>. If youenter a number that begins with zeros, theleading zeros are ignored.Example: If <02> or <002> is entered,<0000002> is stored.If you do not want to set a password, you canuse the machine by entering only theDepartment ID.––•–•–