44User Manual MN04200002EEffective January 2016C441 Ethernet module user manual(C441R, C441T, C441U, C441V)EATON www.eaton.comTable 84. Class 41 (0x29): Control Supervisor Object (Cont.)Attrib NV Access DataType Name Description123 (0x7B) NV Set/Get USINT Fault ResetMode Fault reset mode0x00 - manual reset0x01 - auto reset0x02 - power on reset (resetfaults on power cycle)124 (0x7C) NV Set/Get UINT Auto ResetDelay Time Delay time after fault beforeattempting to auto reset125 (0x7D) NV Set/Get UINT Auto ResetAttempt Limit Max number of auto resetattempts; once reached,S811 requires manual resetto clear fault126 (0x7E) NV Set/Get USINT Motor CommLoss Action Motor comloss action0x00 - auto stop0x01 - auto run10x02 - unavailable0x03 - hold last state0x04 - unavailable0x05 - unavailable0x06 - unavailable0x07 - all stop fault (will tripS811+ and issue all stopfault)127 (0x7F) NV Set/Get UINT Transient MotorControl Timeout Motor control timeout fortransient UI devices128 (0x80) NV Set/Get UINT Motor ControlCommandTimeoutMotor control timeout - com-munication idle time whichwill cause a Motor ControlDevice Missing fault129 (0x81) V Set/Get USINT Modbus DeviceReset Register Register performs reset ser-vices on S811+ over modbus0x00 - no reset0x01 - soft reset (powercycle reset)0x02 - factory reset (resetdevice back to defaults)0x03 - app parameter reset0x04 - reserved0x05 - reserved0x06 - flush fault queue/list130 (0x82) NV Set/Get BOOL Alarm - No TripEnabled Alarm no trip enable allowsthe S811+ to continue to runthrough any motor faults.Fault will be issued but willnot stop the starter. Faultsmeant to protect the soft-starter will continue to tripthe starter131 (0x83) NV Set/Get UINT EtherNet/IPComm Timeout Range: 0–60,000 msDefault: 3000 msTable 85. Class 44 (0x2C): Overload ObjectInstance Count: 1Instance List: 1Attrib NV Access DataType Name Description4(0x04) NV Set/Get USINT Overload TripClass Overload Trip Class ( 5 - 30; 20default)7(0x07) V Get USINT % ThermalPile used Thermal Pile Used Percentage - Tripat 100%100(0x64) V Set/Get UINT MotorNameplateFLA in 0.1AFull load amperage rating of motorscaled in 0.1A (deci Amps)101(0x65) V Get UINT 3Ph AveLine Current(deciamps)Scaled RMS average of the 3phaseline current - This is the actual cur-rent flowing to the motor in 0.1A.102(0x66) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(deciamps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 0.1A (L1).103(0x67) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(deciamps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 0.1A (L2).104(0x68) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(deciamps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 0.1A (L3).105(0x69) V Get UINT Averagecurrent as %FLAAverage of the 3 phase current as apercentage of the Motor Nameplatefla setting106(0x6A) V Get UINT 3Ph AveLine Current(amps)Scaled RMS average of the 3phaseline current - This is the actual cur-rent flowing to the motor in 1.0A.107(0x6B) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(amps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 1.0A (L1).108(0x6C) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(amps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 1.0A (L2).109(0x6D) V Get UINT 3Ph RMSLine Current(amps)Scaled RMS 3phase line current -This is the actual current flowing tothe motor in 1.0A (L3).110(0x6E) V Get UINT Ave 3PhReal Power(kW)Average 3phase real power (in kW)111(0x6F) V Get INT Power Factor Power factor reading 0 - 1.0000 (in0.0001)112(0x70) NV Set/Get USINT Overload TripEnable Motor overload trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable113(0x71) V Set/Get BOOL EnableOverloadDuring StartEnable the overload during startramp0x00 - overload is disabled duringstart ramp0x01 - overload is enabled duringstart ramp114(0x72) NV Set/Get USINT UndercurrentTrip Enable Low load current trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable115(0x73) NV Set/Get USINT UndercurrentTrip Level (%FLA)Low load current trip threshold inpercent of the motor nameplate flasetting116(0x74) NV Set/Get UINT UndercurrentTrip Duration Amount of time a low current condi-tion must exist before a trip; 0.0- 60.0 (in 0.1secs)117(0x75) NV Set/Get USINT Motor JamTrip Enable Motor jam trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable118(0x76) NV Set/Get USINT Motor StallTrip Enable Motor stall trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable