64User Manual MN04200002EEffective January 2016C441 Ethernet module user manual(C441R, C441T, C441U, C441V)EATON www.eaton.comTable 102. Register Definitions for S811+ Soft Starter (Cont.)StartCoil Register Read/Write Name Description (Units)- 659 R/W Under VoltageTrip Enable Under voltage trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 660 R/W Under VoltageTrip Threshold Under voltage trip threshold (in percentof rated motor voltage)- 661 R/W Under VoltageTrip Duration Amount of time an under voltage condi-tion must exist before a trip; 0.0 - 60.0(in 0.1secs)- 662 R/W Over VoltageTrip Enable Over voltage trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 663 R/W Over VoltageTrip Threshold Over voltage trip threshold (in percentof rated motor voltage)- 664 R/W Over VoltageTrip Duration Amount of time an over voltage condi-tion must exist before a trip; 0.0 - 60.0(in 0.1secs)- 665 R/W Line FrequencyTrip Line frequency deviation trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 666 R/W FrequencyDeviation TripThresholdLine frequency deviation trip threshold(in percent of rated line frequency)- 667 R/W Frequency TripDuration Amount of time a frequency deviationcondition must exist before a trip; 0.0 -60.0 (in 0.1secs)- 668 R/W Ave PowerTrip Enable Average power trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 669 R/W Ave PowerLow TripThresholdLow power trip threshold (in percent ofrated W)rated W = sqrt(3)*0.8PF*motor fla*ratedmotor voltage- 670 R/W Ave PowerHigh TripThresholdHigh power trip threshold (in percent ofrated W)rated W = sqrt(3)*0.8PF*motor fla*ratedmotor voltage- 671 R/W Ave PowerTrip Duration Amount of time a low or high powercondition must exist before a trip; 0.0 -60.0 (in 0.1secs)- 672 R/W Analog InputTrip Enable Analog input trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 673 R/W Analog InputTrip LowThresholdLow analog input trip threshold (in per-cent of selected analog range)- 674 R/W Analog InputTrip HighThresholdHigh analog input trip threshold (in per-cent of selected analog range)- 675 R/W Analog InputTrip Duration Amount of time a low or high analoginput condition must exist before a trip;0.0 - 60.0 (in 0.1secs)- 676 R/W TemperatureSensor TripEnableTemperature sensor trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 677 R/W SCR Not FiringTrip Enable SCR not firing trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 678 R/W SCR ShortedTrip Enable Shorted SCR trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enableTable 102. Register Definitions for S811+ Soft Starter (Cont.)StartCoil Register Read/Write Name Description (Units)10849 679 R/W Alarm - NoTrip Enabled Alarm no trip enable allows the S811+to continue to run through any motorfaults. Fault will be issued but will notstop the starter. Faults meant to protectthe softstarter will continue to trip thestarter10865 680 R/W Start DelayActiveWarningEnableEnables warning when start delay tim-ers are used. Warning is issued whilestart command is pending- 681 R/W Start DelayAfter PowerupTime delay after power up before a startcommand can be issued- 682 R/W Start Delay Time delay after a start command isissued before the S811+ will attemptstart- 683 R/W Start DelayAfter RunChangeUser settable time delay between suc-cessive start profiles. Delay becomesactive when start profile(ramp vs ramp2)changes between starts- 684 R/W Motor CommLoss Action Motor comloss action0x00 - auto stop0x01 - auto run10x02 - unavailable0x03 - hold last state0x04 - unavailable0x05 - unavailable0x06 - unavailable0x07 - all stop fault (will trip S811+ andissue all stop fault)- 685 R/W TransientMotor ControlTimeoutMotor control timeout for transient UIdevices- 686 R/W Motor ControlCommandTimeoutMotor control timeout - communicationidle time which will cause a MotorControl Device Missing fault10977 687 R/W Network twowire controlenableNetwork two wire control parameterenable0 - 3wire control (Modbus reg #500active)1 - 2wire control (Modbus reg #501active)- 688 R/W GND FaultEnable GND fault trip enable0x00 - disable0x01 - fault enable0x02 - warning enable- 689 R/W GND FaultInhibit FromStart DelayParameter will mask the GND fault tripfrom the end of start ramp; 0.0 - 20.0in 0.1secs;Example: ramp time = 20, GND delay= 5, GND fault will be masked for 25seconds after start command- 690 R FirmwareVersion List Firmware version - AVR, DSP- 692 R HardwareVersion Hardware version- 800 R/W ModbusDevice ResetRegisterRegister performs reset services onS811+ over modbus0x00 - no reset0x01 - soft reset (power cycle reset)0x02 - factory reset (reset device backto defaults)0x03 - app parameter reset0x04 - reserved0x05 - reserved0x06 - flush fault queue/list- 900 R/W Modbus UserApplicationNameUser defined ASCII name.