166. CommissioningDual port ethernet option board installation manual MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com6.1.6.1 Modbus TCPSee Chapter “ Modbus Communication andconnection timeout”. Profinet IO and EtherNet/IPFor these protocols, this value is considered as an additionaltimeout. The protocol itself has timeout mechanism. When itnotices that the connection has been lost, a fault activationis started. If communication timeout value is zero, the faultis activated immediately, otherwise the fault activates aftera specified time. If the connection is reopened before thespecified time has elapsed, no fault is activated.6.1.7 Profinet IO – Name of stationThe Profinet IO “Name of Station” parameter can be setvia 9000XDrive or NCIPConfig. Other possibility is to setthis name by writing it from the PLC. The parameter canbe found from the same list as protocol selection and IPsettings. The parameter is not visible in the keypad, only inthe PC tools.If no name is set, the option board will generate atemporary name. The name is formed from the drive powerunit serial number or, if that value is not available, from theoption board MAC address and from slot ID. The format is:opt--.Example: opt-e-v00000030473Example: opt-e-mac-002199ff03296.1.8 EIP Input and output instanceThese parameters will show what instances are being usednow. The instances actually used are taken from the IOconnection open request. So, although these values areparameters they act more like monitoring values.6.1.9 EIP product code offsetThis value can be used to differentiate drives for the PLCprogram. For example, if one drive is running a differentapplication (with different parameters) than other drives,this offset in the product code will enable the PLC to use adifferent EDS file to read those parameters from this drive.Remember that if you change this value, you need also tochange the EDS file used or change the product code valuein your EDS file.Table 13. Mode valuesMode value DescriptionNormal Option board will identify itself as OPTE9(depends on fieldbus protocol)9000x Mode Option board will identify itself as old C-series counterpartand will emulate selected features. Currently only when usingEtherNet/IP protocol.