529. Ethernet/IPDual port ethernet option board installation manual MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.comInstance attribute “Media Counters”The attribute is a collection of counters related to theEthernet physical interface.Table 105. Media countersField name Datatype DescriptionAlignmenterrors UDINT Frames received that are not an integral number ofoctets in length.Fcs errors UDINT Frames received that do not pass the FCS check.Singlecollisions UDINT Successfully transmitted frames whichexperienced exactly one collision.Multiplecollisions UDINT Successfully transmitted frames whichexperienced more than one collision.Sqe test errors UDINT The number of times SQE test error message isgenerated.Deferredtransmissions UDINT Frames for which the first transmission attempt isdelayed because the medium is busy.Late collisions UDINT Number of times a collision is detected later than512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet.Excessivecollisions UDINT Frames for which transmission fails due toexcessive collisions.Mac transmiterrors UDINT Frames for which transmission fails due to aninternal MAC sub layer transmit error.Carrier senseerrors UDINT Times that the carrier sense condition was lostor never asserted when attempting to transmit aframe.Frame too long UDINT Frames received that exceed the maximumpermitted frame size.Mac receiveerrors UDINT Frames for which reception on an interface failsdue to an internal MAC sub layer receive error.Instance attribute “Interface Type”The attribute indicates the type of the Ethernet interface,i.e. twisted-pair cable, optical fiber, device-internal etc. TheOPTE9 will always return the value 2, twisted-pair cable.Instance attribute “Interface State”The attribute indicates the current state of the Ethernetinterface, i.e. operational, disabled etc.Table 106. Interface stateValue Interface state0 Unknown interface state1 The interface is enabled and is ready to send and receive data2 The interface is disabled3 The interface is testing4-255 ReservedInstance attribute “Admin State”The attribute indicates the ability to use the Ethernetinterface for administration, for example, for changingthe settings.The OPTE9 supports this attribute with the value 01h(administration enabled). An attempt to disable theadministration (by writing value 02h) will result in an error.9.2.2 Objects present in an AC/DC drive9.2.2.1 Assembly object, class 0x04The assembly object groups (or assembles) the attributevalues into a single block of data.Table 107. Assembly objectClass name AssemblyobjectClass identifier 4Class attributesId Access rule Name Datatype Description1 Get Revision UINT Class revision (2)2 Get Max Instance UINT Maximum instance number (137 h )3 Get Number of Instances UINT Number of object instances(17)Class servicesId Name Description1 Get_Attributes_All Returns content of all (implemented) attributes in the class.14 d0E hGet_Attribute_Single Used to read single attribute value.Instance attributesId Access rule Name Datatype Description3 Set Data ARRAY of BYTE Assembly dataInstance servicesId Name Description14 d0E hGet_Attribute_Single Used to read single attribute value16 d10 hSet_Attribute_Single Used to write a single attribute value