247. Modbus TCPDual port ethernet option board installation manual MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com7.1.4 Quick setupFollowing these instructions, you can easily and fast set upyour Modbus for use:In the AC drive application: Choose Fieldbus as the activecontrol place (see drives User’s Manual).In the master softwaree:1. Set the settings in the master software2. Set the Control Word to ‘0’ (2001)3. Set the Control Word to ‘1’ (2001)4. Drive’s status is RUN5. Set the Reference value to ‘5000’ (50.00%) (2003)6. Actual speed is 5000 (25.00 Hz if MinFreq is 0.00 Hz andMaxFreq is 50.00 Hz)7. Set the Control Word to ‘0’ (2001)8. Drive’s status is STOP7.2 Modbus TCP – Example messages7.2.1 Example 1 – Write process dataWrite the process data 42001…42003 with command 16(Preset Multiple Registers).Command master – Slavee:Address 01 hex Slave address 1 hex (= 1)Function 10 hex Function 10 hex (= 16)Data Starting address HI 07 hex Starting address 07D0 hex (= 2000)Starting address LO D0 hexNo. of registers HI 00 hex Number of registers 0003 hex (= 3)No. of registers LO 03 hexByte count 06 hex Byte count 06 hex (= 6)Data HI 00 hex Data 1 = 0001 hex (= 1).Setting control word run bit to 1.Data LO 01 hexData HI 00 hex Data 2 = 0000 hex (= 0).Data LO 00 hexData HI 13 hex Data 3 = 1388 hex (= 5000),Speed reference to 50.00%Data LO 88 hexErrorcheck CRC HI C8 hex CRC field C8CB hex (= 51403)CRC LO CB hexMessage framee:01 10 07 D0 00 03 06 00 01 00 00 13 88 C8 CBThe reply to Preset Multiple Registers message is the echoof 6 first bytes.Answer slave – Mastere:Address 01 hex Slave address 1 hex (= 1)Function 10 hex Function 10 hex (= 16)Data Starting address HI 07 hex Starting address 07D0 hex (= 2000)Starting address LO D0 hexNo. of registers HI 00 hex Number of registers 0003 hex (= 3)No. of registers LO 03 hexErrorcheckCRC HI 80 hex CRC 8085 hex (= 32901)CRC LO 85 hexReply framee:01 10 07 D0 00 03 80 857.2.2 Example 2 – Read process dataRead the Process Data 42103…42104 with command 4(Read Input Registers).Command master – Slavee:Address 01 hex Slave address 1 hex (= 1)Function 04 hex Function 4 hex (= 4)Data Starting address HI 08 hex Starting address 0836 hex (= 2102)Starting address LO 36 hexNo. of registers HI 00 hex Number of registers 0002 hex (= 2)No. of registers LO 02 hexErrorcheckCRC HI 93 hexCRC LO A5 hex CRC 93A5 hex (= 37797)Message framee:01 04 08 36 00 02 93 A5The reply to the Read Input Registers message contains thevalues of the read registers.Answer slave – Mastere:Address 01 hex Slave address 1 hex (= 1)Function 04 hex Function 4 hex (= 4)Data Byte count 04 hex Byte count 4 hex (= 4)Data HI 13 hex Speed reference = 1388 hex(=5000 => 50.00%)Data LO 88 hexData HI 09 hex Output Frequency = 09C4 hex(=2500 =>25.00Hz)Data LO C4 hexErrorcheckCRC HI 78 hexCRC LO E9 hex CRC 78E9 hex (= 30953)