7110. Fault tracingDual port ethernet option board installation manual MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com10. Fault tracingWhen the option board or the AC drive control diagnosticsdetect an unusual operating condition, the drive opens anotification, for example, on the keypad. The keypad showsthe ordinal number of the fault, the fault code and a shortfault description.You can reset the fault with the Reset button on thecontrol keypad, via the I/O terminal or via the used fieldbusprotocol. The faults are stored in the Fault history menu,which can be browsed. The fault table presents only thefault conditions related to the fieldbus in use.otee:N When you contact a distributor or a factory because ofa fault condition, always write down all the texts andcodes on the keypad display. Then send the problemdescription together with the Drive Info File to thefollowing address: TRCDrivestechsupport@eaton.com.If possible, also send a “Wireshark” log from thesituation if applicable.10.1 Typical fault conditionsTable 155. Typical fault conditionsFault condition Possible cause RemedyCablingSupply or motor cables arelocated too close to thefieldbus cableWrong type of fieldbus cableToo long cablingGrounding Inadequate grounding. Ensure grounding in allthe points on the net.ConnectionsFaulty connections: Excessivestripping of cablesFaulty connections: Conductorsin wrong terminalsFaulty connections: Too looseconnections of conductorsParameterFaulty addressOverlapping slave addressesWrong control place selected10.2 Other fault conditionsThe following fault tracing diagram will help you to locateand fix some of the most usual problems. If the problempersists, contact your local distributor.Figure 34. Fault tracing diagram for OPTE9Drive does notstart from thebusCheckcommunicationstatusIs device inREADY state?Is fieldbusselected as controlplace in drive?Does Mastergive RUNcommand?Usedatalogger orkeypad tomonitorvariableCounter doesnot runCheck theoption boardLEDsCheckparameter(M1, 15 orP3.2.1)Counter for badframesincreasesCheck drivesexternalinterlockings(I/O)Counter OKNocommunicationCheck fieldbusparametersCheck selectedprotocolCheck otherfieldbusparametersin menuCheckMaster’sparametersCheck IPsettingsPoorcommunication Check cabling CheckconnectionsCheck distancebetween cablesCheck cabletypes andlengthsCheckstripping ofcables andconductorsChecke.g. WLAN orother routersCheck cablingCheck cablefor outsCheck correctplacement ofconductorsinteminalsOther busdevicesOther busdevices