2 Integrating the Module in PROFIBUS-DPPROFIBUS-DP data image28 XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.comParametersThe parameter setting of the XN-1RS232 moduleenables communication with different dataterminal devices. The handshake procedure (soft-ware/hardware) can be selected. The number ofdata bits embedded in the telegram, the type ofparity, the number of stop bits, the bit transmis-sion rate and the XON/XOFF character used mustbe configured for the module with the appropriateparameters in order to adapt it to the data formatof the data terminal device.4 bytes are used for the module parameters.Table 10: Meaning of the data bits (parameters):ParameterdesignationValue Name of the values Descriptiondiagnostic 0 release Diagnostics activated/Diagnos-tics deactivated:This controls the separatefieldbus-specific diagnosticssignal - not the diagnosticssignal embedded in theprocess input data.1* blockDisableR-educedCtrl:1 Constant setting:The diagnostics signals arecontained in byte 6 of theprocess input data (irrespectiveof “Diagnostics”). Byte 6 of theprocess output data containstwo bytes for triggering theclearing of the receive andtransmit buffer.Byte 7 contains the status andcontrol byte. Bytes 0 - 5 containuser bytes.