Before commencing the installation• Disconnect the power supply of thedevice.• Ensure that the device cannot be acci-dentally restarted.• Verify isolation from the supply.• Earth and short circuit.• Cover or enclose neighbouring unitsthat are live.• Follow the engineering instructions ofthe device concerned.• Only suitably qualified personnel inaccordance with EN 50110 1/-2(DIN VDE 0105 Part 100) may work onthis device.• Before installation and before touchingthe device ensure that you are free ofelectrostatic charge.• The functional earth (FE) must beconnected to the protective earth (PE)or tothe potential equalisation. Thesystem installer is responsible forimplementing this connection.• Connecting cables and signal linesshould be installed so that inductive orcapacitive interference do not impairthe automation functions.• Install automation devices and relatedoperating elements in such a way thatthey are well protected against uninten-tional operation.• Suitable safety hardware and softwaremeasures should be implemented forthe I/O interface so that a line or wirebreakage on the signal side does notresult in undefined states in the auto-mation devices.• Ensure a reliable electrical isolation ofthe low voltage for the 24 volt supply.Only use power supply units complyingwith IEC/HD 60364-4-41 (DIN VDE 0100Part 410).• Deviations of the mains voltage fromthe rated value must not exceed thetolerance limits given in the specifica-tions, otherwise this may causemalfunction and dangerous operation.• Emergency stop devices complyingwith IEC/EN 60204-1 must be effectivein all operating modes of the automa-tion devices. Unlatching the emer-gency-stop devices must not causeuncontrolled operation or restart.• Measures should be taken to ensurethe proper restart of programs inter-rupted after a voltage dip or failure. Thisshould not cause dangerous operatingstates even for a short time. If neces-sary, emergency-stop devices shouldbe implemented.• Wherever faults in the automationsystem may cause damage to personsor property, external measures must beimplemented to ensure a safe operatingstate in the event of a fault or malfunc-tion (for example, by means of separatelimit switches, mechanical interlocksetc.).Warning!Dangerous electrical voltage!Safety regulationsXI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN 3