3 Integrating the Module in DeviceNetRS232 Module Class (VSC114)52 XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com116(74hex )Bit 6: 0 = "OK"1 = "frame error":The XN-1RS232 module parame-ters must be defined in order to beadapted to the data structure of theDTE.A frame error is output if theparameter setting (number of databits, stop bits, type of parity) is notsuitable.Bit 7: 0 = "OK"1 = "buffer overflow":The receive buffer (RX buffer) hasoverflowed.Bit 8 to 15: ""117(75hex )RX DATA G ARRAYOF BYTEReceive dataNumber: 0 to 7 bytes.118(76hex )RX DATAANDRELEASEG ARRAYOF BYTEReceive data and an acknowledge-ment of successful receipt. Thereceive buffer is immediatelyenabled again.Number: 0 to 7 bytes.119(77hex )TX BYTECOUNTG/S USINT Number (0 to 7) of valid user bytesin this data segment.120(78hex )TX COUNT G/S USINT The value TX COUNT is linked andtransferred together with everydata segment of the processoutput data. The sequence of theTX COUNT values is:00->01->10->11->00...(decimal: 0->1->2->3->0...)A faulty sequence indicates thatdata segments are missing.Attr.no.dec.(hex.)AttributenameAccess Type Description