XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 573 Integrating the Module in DeviceNetRS232 Module Class (VSC114)131(83hex )FLOWCONTROLG/S ENUMUSINT0 = "off": The data flow control isdeactivated.1 = "XON/OFF": Software hand-shake activated.2 = "RTS/CTS": Hardware hand-shake activated.3 = ""132(84hex )DATAWIDTHG/S ENUMUSINT0 = "7bits": The number of data bitsis 7.1 = "8bits": The number of data bitsis 8.133(85hex )PARITY G/S ENUMUSINT0 = "none": No parity1 = "odd": The parity bit is set sothat the number of bits set to 1(data and parity bit together) is odd.2 = "even": The parity bit is set sothat the number of bits set to 1(data and parity bit together) iseven.134(86hex )STOP G/S ENUMUSINTNumber of stop bits:0: 1 bit1: 2 bits135(87hex )XON CHAR-ACTERG/S USINT XON characterThis character is used to start thedata transfer of the data terminaldevice with the software hand-shake activated.136(88hex )XOFFCHAR-ACTERG/S USINT XOFF characterThis character is used to stop thedata transfer of the data terminaldevice with the software hand-shake activated.Attr.no.dec.(hex.)AttributenameAccess Type Description